Best Workspaces Award 2023
We are thrilled to have received the renowned "Best Workspaces" Award for our new company headquarters in Buseck, Germany in the category "Workspaces" of the Callwey Verlag.
Here is an excerpt of how the authors of this year's edition describe the inspiring Hydroflex headquarters:
"It’s not the “infinite reaches of space,” but it is an industrial site in Giessen. [...] One enters an expressive two-story new building with a pointed cantilevered upper floor [...]. Coordinated with corporate design and corporate identity as well as the receiving building structure, an office world was consequently created that shapes a very specific stylistic language and discourse-promoting atmosphere. Exposed concrete and the omnipresent combination of black and white are the main parameters of the design, cleverly chosen among other things to provide an ideal background for the company’s colorful product range in the show and presentation areas."
- Vetter, Andreas K. & Rief, Stefan (2023): Best Workspaces, Callwey Verlag
A big thank you to the jury, the team of architects and Hydroflex visionaries who contributed to the design of this extraordinary architecture, making working at Hydroflex a one-of-a-kind experience. We are proud to have received this honor!
Team Hydroflex beams itself back to work"Space"!