BME Code of Conduct: Social and ecological responsibility throughout the supply chain
BME Code of Conduct: Social and ecological responsibility throughout the supply chain
We are proud to announce that we have joined the BME Compliance Initiative and are thus committed to complying with the BME Code of Conduct. The Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik e.V. (BME) is devoted to ensuring that companies assume social and ecological responsibility throughout the supply chain - and we stand firmly behind these principles.
By adopting the BME Code of Conduct, we pledge to act in accordance with fair, sustainable, and ethically responsible principles and to ensure that our partners and suppliers do the same. This means zero tolerance of corruption, forced and child labor, and discrimination. At the same time, we are actively engaged in respecting human rights, protecting the environment, and ensuring fair working conditions. It has always been essential for Hydroflex that our partners and suppliers adhere to the same high social and ecological standards as we do. We therefore carry out regular audits to ensure that these values are practiced throughout our entire supply chain.
You can find more information about the BME Code of Conduct here: BME Code of Conduct - BME